08 April 2008

Buckner forgiven?

Bill Buckner threw out the first pitch today in Boston's home game against Detroit.

If you don't understand why that's significant, watch this clip.

If you still don't get it, here's the issue in a nutshell:

Bill Buckner was the focus of every Boston fan's frustration about no World Series titles in 90+ years.

For the Red Sox to invite him today and give him this opportunity is pretty classy.

Though let's not kid ourselves; this would never had happened if not for Boston's two World Series victories in the decade.


Anonymous said...

Buckner will never be forgiven for that. They just aren't on the verge of murdering him anymore.

sojohnson88 said...

This is such an idiotic situation. Coming from a big baseball fan rooting for the Seattle Mariners who haven't won since their creation in the 70's, haven't even gotten to an ALCS, even though we should have in 2001. I've begun to understand that sports can be stupid, especially when you hold a man and his entire family hostage for how many years because of a single error. Watch his press conference after the game, and you can watch true forgiveness on his part of Red Sox Nation and the media. Thanks for reading my non-coherent, rambling thoughts.

Anonymous said...

It's not a matter of the Sox not ever getting a title or winning the Series or whatever. It's that they've come SO CLOSE, SO MANY TIMES. It's absolutely heartwrenching. And Buckner's error there was just yet another time they came SO CLOSE and it literally slipped through their/his fingers in an instant. A devoted fan/player can only take so much of that after a while.